Friday, July 6, 2012

People from LA are Dumb

After moving to LA or while visiting, have you noticed that people seem really stupid. Well it's true. People in LA are dumb. California as a whole ranked at the bottom of the country in IQ, ranking below Arkansas (a state that people in Los Angeles like to make fun of for being stupid). San Francisco, on the other hand, is one of the smartest cities in the country. This suggests that other areas in California are that much more stupid than even the state level data would suggest.

It is annoying to have to listen to these people all the time. I have never ONCE had an intelligent conversation with anyone in Los Angeles over the course of an entire decade.

Stuff people from LA do talk about:

1) Most of the populace likes to prattle on as though they are girls in high school. It is a bit disconcerting to hear 30 and 40 year old men replay conversations that I thought I would stop hearing when I went to college. I don't care what you are wearing or where you got it or what you are planning on wearing someday or who you know or who you met that knows someone who knows someone in a movie who was wearing something that you were thinking of buying and then didn't buy but now maybe you will

2) Laughing at stuff that isn't funny. People from LA are too stupid to make funny jokes like people are capable of doing in the rest of the country. So they just skip the joke part and laugh at other stuff anyway although it's not actually funny. Here are some examples:

a. Mentioning "cool aid". Someone I know mentions cool aid and starts laughing. Other nouns will set him off too. COOL AID IS NOT A JOKE IT IS A SOFT DRINK.

b. Body parts. Some guys at my local bar like to point at people with beards and laugh for a long time. Then they take pictures of those people in a not very subtle way and then laugh at them some more while people watch them laugh at their picture in the camera, which is kind of douchy

c. Being condescendingly sarcastic to the person you are talking to and hoping they'll laugh despite the fact that you're implying that they're a moron.

3. Stuff in foreign languages that I have only a slim idea of what they're saying but they try on me anyway since I look kind of Polish so obviously I might know Spanish. THEN they try English. WTF it would kind of make sense if you didn't know any English to start with but that is just confusing.

4. Stupid stuff about dumb TV programs that they've watched.

5. Stuff they've heard on NPR recently enough to repeat most of it to you. How they're going to vote for Obama because of whatever they just heard on the radio that sounds like you might have heard the same exact thing recently too which makes it twice as boring

6. How they would never live in Northridge because of what happened in 1996 and that's why they live right next to Northridge in North Hollywood.

7. How they like the Lakers because its their home team and they live in LA which is where the Lakers are and so that's their team because their home team is where their home is and other stuff that doesn't require explanation

8. How they don't like haters because haters don't like LA even though LA is the best. If you ask someone what is nice about LA they take a while to answer and eventually say something like Sunset Boulevard or palm trees. So a road and trees are the first things that came to your mind .. sounds like a great place. Visit LOS ANGELES, we have ROAD. NOT TO MENTION.. SOME TREES...

9. Burritos/traffic

10. Making themselves out to be someone really cool by posing with some grossly exaggerated affectation or dropping names of people that know people who have worked with celebrities while making fun of the people around them who are listening to their story in order to enhance their superiority at everyone else's expense OR being nice to the people around them in a superficial whiny way long enough to forge temporary alliances in order to boost their social status for just as long as it benefits them while dressing as a lumberjack and wearing oversized sunglasses

This blog is dedicated to my ongoing mission to leave Los Angeles. I am 27 and have a college degree and have lived in Los Angeles for over a decade.

I have never been around a group of self-absorbed, unintelligent and unfriendly people anywhere in the USA. While I've made friends quickly in other places I've lived like Colorado and New Jersey, I have made ZERO meaningful and lasting relationships with people here. While I've found work easily in Colorado, I can't find a job here in this unorganized and mismanaged city. I want to leave Los Angeles ASAP but the only problem is that right now I would need a job to afford to leave. Currently, I commute four hours a day to volunteer at a place related to my college major on the other side of LA.

The point of this blog is to raise awareness about how stupid LA is while also raising enough money to move to Oregon or another location that isn't as #@()#ing stupid as Los Angeles.