Friday, July 6, 2012

This blog is dedicated to my ongoing mission to leave Los Angeles. I am 27 and have a college degree and have lived in Los Angeles for over a decade.

I have never been around a group of self-absorbed, unintelligent and unfriendly people anywhere in the USA. While I've made friends quickly in other places I've lived like Colorado and New Jersey, I have made ZERO meaningful and lasting relationships with people here. While I've found work easily in Colorado, I can't find a job here in this unorganized and mismanaged city. I want to leave Los Angeles ASAP but the only problem is that right now I would need a job to afford to leave. Currently, I commute four hours a day to volunteer at a place related to my college major on the other side of LA.

The point of this blog is to raise awareness about how stupid LA is while also raising enough money to move to Oregon or another location that isn't as #@()#ing stupid as Los Angeles.

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